The new year brought a bad cold through our house so we have all been down and out...each of us got the bug one after another. Kaitlyn is finally on the mend and is finally returning to school tomorrow after almost 2 weeks off ( I was very happy about this until I realized that today would be the last day that we got to spend together - then I got kinda sad). McKenna and Mommy were next to start up and while McKenna is still struggling with coughing fits and Mommy feels almost human again...what do you know - Daddy is making it official that the whole family is vulnerable.
I guess we have this to look forward to for a while huh? Oh well, we have been making the best of it..
This is pretty much how McKenna spends her time now-a-days. Thumb or fist inserted in mouth.

This snowman is the only holiday decoration that stays up throughout the winter until March. He just brings a smile to the little corner by the door. I realized that Kaitlyn and Mr. snowman are the same exact height!

4 months = Rice Cereal in this house! The hope is that it will make the baby sleep for longer periods at a time. McKenna has doubled her birth weight (she was 16 lbs./11 oz.!) and grown to 25 inches in length.
Because of her being sick, it's hard to tell if it's working or not. We'll keep trying!! Daddy always gets to give the first taste of "real" food...

Being indoors with Kaitlyn while she was sick was quite a challenge. There were lots of days that ended up with everyone very cranky and tired!! On this day, Gramma Gurin brought Kaitlyn a bathing suit back from Florida (we are gearing up for our trip to see Aunt Katharine in April)..
Kaitlyn immediately wanted to go to the beach. She put on the suit, her hat, and mittens and ran to the door asking to go to the beach. It took about 15 minutes to explain that it's too cold for the beach and that we won't be going for a couple of months..I can't wait to see how she reacts when we actually end up on the beach this Spring!!

I think the most impressive thing that I have seen while we have been home is Kaitlyn's improved ability to "color". She is doing a great job of coloring in the lines!! We have gone through many many pages of coloring books and all of the work is paying off :) It's these little accomplishments that I feel like I need to savor. Awww - my little girl is growing up!!!