Well we have survived our first vacation with Mommy to see Aunt Katharine! (and mommy has survived her first (and last) attempt at traveling with a baby and a 2-year-old)!! We did so many fun things and had a great time overall ;)
McKenna was so cute in the stroller; she continuosly grabbed for Kaitlyn's hand trying to play with her.. Kaitlyn would pull her weather shade down when we were in the countless elevator rides - too funny!
They were pretty well-behaved on the way there! I actually had fun traveling with my girls! I should have known it was a sign that the trip home would be a challenge ;)

"NOOO Mommy - it's the RENTAL car"!!!!
Aunt Katharine was working so we had to swing by her school and pick up the key. I got an action shot of Kath teaching - so cool to see her laying down the law in her classroom!
Kath had several jam sessions with Kaitlyn and McKenna throughout our stay! The highlight song for me was her version of the gambler - fun!
DAY 2 - Kath's pool!
Hanging at Kath's pool was awesome Mommy made a quick run to Target for some pool toys (check out this awesome Dora kickboard) ....and we were good to go!
The water was too cold for Ms. McKenna but she didn't mind..
After a nice bath and dinner, we settled in for an evening in! Aunt Kath's cooking kept us going the entire time! And the night that Gramma Gurin picked up 5 Guys burgers was great too!
DAY 3:
The bubble gun that we acquired in the "Target run" was a huge hit!
Aside from the morning that Kaitlyn picked McKenna up about 3 feet into the air and then dropped her as I watched......the girls were really reallllly cute together :)
We spent lots of time at Aunt Kath's friends' the Duffins! They kept us all entertained many times during our visit! They cooked 2 meals for us and Kaitlyn looooved their 12-year-old daughter Rachel! She kept asking her if she was her big sister....awwwww!
bonus: playing Wii tennis and karaoke at their house was awesome!
Yes, these are the same pics as the FLIGHT there. This is because I had no time, patience, or energy to take a picture on the flight home. I was too busy getting poop, water, and coke spilled in my lap (and then having to wait 30 minutes for the beverage cart to be out of the aisle), dumping the just-purchased snack underneath the seat in front of us, changing dirty diapers, and trying to quiet down 2 screaming little girls who were overtired :0 !!!!
I must say we all missed Daddy soooooooo much on our trip. It was the best feeling to come home and spend some much-needed time with him after our fun vacation!