The story is that someone left her on a river dock, along with her mom and siblings. Left on a dock to fend for themselves or drown..seriously?! What kind of people are these? They said she was a schnauzer mix. But most everyone agrees she's cockapoo.
Everyone warned us about bringing a puppy home. "It will be a nightmare". "Potty training", "barking, chewing on things". But this dog really was different. She cried once on the first night and after a loud "QUIET" from me, she hasn't made another sound. A few nights, she has cried to go out but has gone right back to bed without a problem.
Potty training has been pretty good too! She goes to the back door when she needs to go out! Not to say there haven't been accidents, but it has definitely been manageable! Not bad!
And to see the girls with her makes it all worth it. Kaitlyn has gone from being completely scared to holding her and loving her! And McKenna? Well Maia had her from day one :)
Painting her treat jar with Ms. Crystal!
Week 2 of having her at home, the babysitter stepped on - and cracked her left foot in half. Brutal. It was pretty traumatizing. You can see the crack upon further study of her 3rd toe. See it up there by her ankle? Crazy. Along with an xray, cast, and exam, she had 2 shots.
But I gotta admit the cast was ADORABLE.
Then came week 2. Return visit to the vet. Re-bandage. More shots. Still cute though :)
These were all taken sometime during week 3. After several "dropping the puppy" incidents, we got smart and purchased pet insurance. Let's hope we don't have to use it!
Here she is during week four. More vet visits. More bandage re-wraps. More shots. Another x-ray. Now we have added antibiotic for the infection underneath the bandage. Vet says the break is healing....but she'll need another 2 weeks.
So here we are. Going on week 6 of the "broken foot" drama. Friday's x-ray will decide if she gets to have the cast removed. For good. Let's hope so! Friday will also bring more shots. And a long-awaited bath.
That all being said, she has been a GREAT new addition to our family. Who could resist this face??