You will notice that there a very few pictures of Kaitlyn during our "what sounded like a good idea at the time" outing..We bravely ventured to Sea World naively thinking that she would enjoy the whales, dolphins, and other animals we would come across. This was by far..the worst move we made. She threw a tantrum straight through our entire visit (which wasn't cheap at $60 per ticket - but hey - kids under 2 are free..I see why!!) and just wouldn't calm down and could not be distracted. We decided that we had to capture animal shots to prove that we were there but it was a very difficult couple of can bet we won't be going back until Kaitlyn is pretty much driving...

No!! I don't want any chicken fingers - take it away!!!!
We managed to send Daddy into the Sea Lion we are waiting anxiously for his return........
Few - she's out!!! But not for long.....
Aww, sorry SeaWorld didn't exactly turn out as planned. I understand how frustrating that can be!!!