Well I am back. For those that might be wondering, I had a HORRIBLE stomach virus all of last week and was too sick to post or take hardly any pictures. Thank goodness neither of the girls got it (and daddy only had a touch of it). During that time, McKenna officially started crawling and is now all over the place!! We have now lowered her crib and she is busy pulling herself up (at all hours of the night) and is thrilled with her new abilities. It won't be long now before she is cruising along...
Kaitlyn is not sure how to handle this newly mobile McKenna. Her sister is suddenly everywhere that she is..and into everything that she is into. At first, we hovered..making sure to explain that Kaitlyn will have to "share" and "be nice" and "be gentle"..but I'm over it. They will both have to learn how to handle the other's presence..wish us all luck :)

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