Saturday, January 29, 2011

Face it, veggies are good for you!

In no way, shape, or form, can I take credit for this idea. I swiped it off a friend of a friend's blog. She has been making her kids "face plates" for meals consisting of otherwise boring and bland (but 100% healthy) foods. I am just coming off a 5 day detox in which I lived on a nice, daily concoction of water, fresh lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper. I know. The cayenne pepper throws you for a loop...The detox is supposed to rid your body of toxins and remind it that natural, whole foods are the best fuel. 

Anyway, my new self is on a mission (attempt)  to provide healthier meals for the family. I have been pouring through food blogs, getting lost in blog after blog about food. I can't believe what I have been missing out on! 

Hence, the face plate. I was skeptical, but why not give it a try? I used spinach for the hair, a scoop of brown rice for the nose, tomatoes for the eyes, and raspberrys for the mouth. 

They thought they had gone to heaven. Kaitlyn laughed out loud and DEVOURED the plate! (okay, a tablespoon of ranch helped with the hair). Needless to say, I am quite proud of myself! The face plate creations are limitless now - I have so many ideas running through my head! Thanks to Danielle for this awesome idea!!!!!!!!!!

What did you say that was again???


  1. hey! all of a sudden i can get back on now! awesome!
    loooove the face plate sara! soooo cute!
    and i forgot to ask you, how did the lemon drink taste?

  2. Hey, Sara! Can you make us a face plate too? Love it! What a fabulous way to get them to try new things. Good for you!

  3. Kathy- the drink wasn't too bad. It got old after 5!

    Trish- thanks!

