Monday, April 28, 2008

10 months old!

Yesterday, I turned 10 months old!  I am very busy now and my days are filled with moving around from the kitchen to the living room to the couch, chair, and my corner. I am getting very fast while crawling and am starting to cruise from one piece of furniture to another. My daily menu includes 4 bottles, diced fruit and a waffle or cereal for breakfast. A grilled cheese sandwich (my fav!!!!) and dry snacks with fruit for lunch, and chicken with steamed veggies and pasta for dinner. This is probably why I weighed 22.5lbs at my doctor's appointment last week.
Oh..forgot to mention..I have pretty much made it clear that I am no longer to be spoon fed by mom, dad, or anyone for that matter. I prefer to feed myself no matter how messy it gets - thank you!

Had to throw this in there..its now my signature move :)

More new pj's

How can anyone resist all these hearts??!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Another bath..

The best pictures definitely come after bath time - I was so happy tonight cause I got some new pj's!!

Here's my hooray again :)
Notice my hair is already messy?? This was only in a matter of minutes!

Another day of exploring

Another new trick..I "play" music on my arm..I figured out that by patting my mouth repeatedly while saying "ahhhh" , the result is a hilarious tune! We'll get it on video soon :)

Today was another day of exploring my world now that I can crawl. I love to open any drawer or cupboard that I can get my hands lucky for me, I have a few drawers with just my stuff in them.

Hooooray! This is my favorite thing to do cause it always gets a cheer from the crowd (or just mommy and daddy)

Hmm..what can I find in here?

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Laugh & Learn Playhouse

Mommy keeps going to these mom-to-mom sales and bringing home great stuff at half the price! I love this "doorway" of fun! My favorite thing to do is check the mailbox (or just open and close it). I can also ring the doorbell and open the window..

The biggest news of this week - I finally started crawling!!!!!!!!!!!! I am getting into everything now and mom and dad will be babyproofing the house today for sure..


Daddy has been teaching me all sorts of new tricks! Here's a quick video of my favorite - shouting "hooray" (or at least throwing my arms in the air)

Day at the park

I went to the park a few days ago and had my first swing ride! I'm not too sure how to do it but I think I'll get the hang of it soon..

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My first swimming lesson..

Yesterday was a big day for first swimming lesson! Here I am before my class reading some books and playing with their cool beach ball. 

During my lesson, we played with huge rubber duckies (looooved it), we kicked and splashed, I floated on top of a raft and we sang lots of swimming songs like row row row your boat. I even went under several times! My teacher said the goal of the class is for me to go under for 10 seconds total - whoaaa! We'll see.....

Diaper time!

Diaper time is very important to me! I try to get at least a few minutes (or more) per day. Here I am discovering the Cheerios in a compartment of my table...

What? I don't have a full just looks that way! hahahaha!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Tiffany's Please!

This is what I do each morning when mom and dad are getting ready. I like to watch from the floor!

I love to play with boxes...any size, any shape. Today I got a hold of mommy's Tiffany's's nice to dream :)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

You are so cute!!

Dear Kaitlyn,

I can't beleive how much you have grown in the past month. I am so glad you got to the zoo with mom and dad. I can't wait to introduce you to the deep blue sea. Have great day and I love you.

Aunt Katharine

Monday, April 7, 2008

A couple more zoo shots

I forgot to add a few pics from the zoo last weekend..Here's a good shot of a daddy told me Wolverines are very bad and mentioned something about a Spartan?!

Here I am about to enter the Butterfly House. It was in this huge atrium so I was looking up at the glass ceiling!!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

I went to the Zoo!!

Yesterday, we went to the Zoo for the first time. I had such a great time walking around in the sunshine - it was the first really warm Spring Day.

I finally got to take my sweater off! It was 63 degrees!

I LOVED the butterfly house and the goose!

Here I am watching the Tigers!
