Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hair Trouble

I simply won't keep anything in my hair these days so most of the time, I walk around with my hair in my eyes.

Mommy thought this ponytail would stay..

But noooo....


Last weekend was Frinkstock..the lead singer from Verve Pipe's band... plays a big concert in Carrie and DJ's neighborhood. I didn't get too many photos - too busy running after Kaitlyn but here are some funny ones!

Marianna helping with Kaitlyn's diaper change...

Mary..getting big!
Kaitlyn and Grace in the outdoor "cottage"
Kaitlyn and Daddy at the concert
having a great time....

Ok..I admit

I'm the only Detroit Tigers fan left!!!!!!

And I don't brush my teeth as much as I should!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Life in the Keys

Hi Kaitlyn,

Wow!! Sounds like your trip to the west coast was great! I had a few extra minutes and wanted to update you on life in the Keys. The last two days I have spent packing up our 10 acre property, getting it ready for a tropical storm with high winds and a possible storm surge. Prior to getting into my car (which has had a left, back tire problem all summer) to evacuate I dropped my cell phone into the toilet. Once on the road it took me about 4 hours to get up to Miami because I was really worried that I was going to blow my tire out. Which brings me to today, I am currently sitting in the Miami International Airport dropping off a few of our kids who got early flights out. We had to leave the Keys with 60 campers and 50 staff members due to the manitory evacuation for all tourists. In Miami, we have been experiencing tropical storm force winds (39-73mph) gusting up to 60 miles per hour and we have had a lot of rain. I'm not even sure the kids flights will end up taking off. Peter was supposed to leave Big Pine Key early this afternoon but had to stay due to the tornado warnings. The eye of the storm looks like it is going to pass over Big Pine Key and could be a Category I hurricane (74-95mph) when it does. I guess life in the Keys is not always paradise. Miss you!!

Aunt Katharine

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Some great California landscape!

Just looking at these almost transports me back! Here are a few of my nature shots....

Sea World - California Part 5

You will notice that there a very few pictures of Kaitlyn during our "what sounded like a good idea at the time" outing..We bravely ventured to Sea World naively thinking that she would enjoy the whales, dolphins, and other animals we would come across. This was by far..the worst move we made. She threw a tantrum straight through our entire visit (which wasn't cheap at $60 per ticket - but hey - kids under 2 are free..I see why!!) and just wouldn't calm down and could not be distracted. We decided that we had to capture animal shots to prove that we were there but it was a very difficult couple of hours..you can bet we won't be going back until Kaitlyn is pretty much driving...

No!! I don't want any chicken fingers - take it away!!!!

We managed to send Daddy into the Sea Lion show..here we are waiting anxiously for his return........

Few - she's out!!! But not for long.....

California Part 4

Yes..there is a part 4 and there will be separate posts for SeaWorld (bad idea with a 1 year old) and a nice montage of the various California trees that we saw! But for now..the following are random pictures mostly from the evenings around the hotel and Kaitlyn's first taste of the Ocean.

Sweet Starbucks loungin'!!!! Love the chair!

Random statues around property often tricked you as you walked by into thinking that they were real people! 

My first steps into the Pacific Ocean - I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!


We visited Balboa Park but only briefly cause we ran out of goldfish...

Want to keep her busy at dinner? Give her a lamb chop!!!

I did a lot of sitting on couches and chairs like a big girl. Walking around saying "uuup! uuup! uuuppy! uppy!" helps with that..

A final sunset..

Noooo! I don't want to leave California!!!
