Monday, September 28, 2009

Which one is which?!

KAITLYN OR MCKENNA? Can you tell :)

Becoming more aware

Baby McKenna is starting to spend more and more time awake during the day. She can now focus on our faces and has even made a few cooing and ga sounds. Today was so chilly that she had to wear her fleece - so cute!!

Happy Birthday Daddy!!

This past weekend was Daddy's birthday. We spent the weekend hanging out around the house. Here's Daddy relaxing with his girls :)

Kaitlyn loves to take all of the magnetic letters off the fridge and line them up on the ground to make this long train of letters. She is so proud of herself and always wants us to come over and see her creations!!

The September Birthday Celebration

There are so many September birthdays in the family that we have a big celebration for everyone each year (McKenna is now included in the mix)! Here are some pictures from the great time we had over at Grammama and Grampie's!

McKenna missed the party but we love her naptime for sure!

Playing with Daddy's Disney golfballs........

Helping Aunt Mary open her presents..

Aunt Kath comes to meet McKenna!

Aunt Katharine came in from Florida last weekend to meet baby McKenna. We had so much fun with her and she was a biiiig help to us all - thanks Kath!! Can't wait to see you again soon :)

Zeyde getting some McKenna time!

Having lunch outside on a gorgeous September day!

I love to give butterfly and eskimo kisses!

There's a tree stump at the park around the block from my house that reminds me of one of my favorite books - The Giving Tree..I love to jump off the stump!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Still need daddy time

We are really trying to make sure Kaitlyn gets her individual attention..I think she's getting it wouldn't you say?

McKenna's first bath...

Well the first bath came and went with quite a fight! Clearly, we disturbed her world. Fortunately she was quiet and alert immediately afterwards which convinced me that she enjoyed the experience overall..

Still trying to calm down..

There we go!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

McKenna Laine Molloy

She's here!! After all of the anticipation and the long wait for September, McKenna came 8 days early and REALLY fast!! I started having Braxton Hicks contractions around 11pm Monday night. No big deal, they didn't hurt. Around 12pm, they started getting regular - every 5-8 minutes or so. Around 12:30am, they started to hurt. At 1am, I paged my doctor who wasn't in town so the on-call doc called me back and told me it was up to me to decide if I should go to the hospital.

Well, its a good thing we decided to go because McKenna was born 3 hours later, at 4:10am!! The doctors and nurses said that I made their job really easy that night - I'm glad someone thought it was easy!!! Even though it was fast, it was still a lot of work and very very very uncomfortable to say the least.

Anyway, she is here! She is the sweetest little girl. So calm and laid back. We can already tell there's a huge difference between her and her big sister ;)

Here are some pictures from the past few days:

Look at this adorable cake from Grandma Gurin!

If you know us, you know that we really enjoy the stay in the hospital! We treat it like a mini-vacation, probably cause it'll be the last vacation we ever have! Here's our room..
Carrie and Marianna came to see us!

First (attempt) family picture
We did not plan to have the baby on tv in the background :)
Grammama and Cole visited
Grandma Gurin drove all the way from New Hampshire in 1 day to visit!

Going for a ride on Mommy's hospital bed!
Meeting my baby sister for the first time, I was a little hesitant..

Uncle Daniel and Audrey were here from Portland - here is Uncle D racing to be the first one to get pics of McKenna up on facebook :) so glad they got to come visit!

Sweet little bundle of joy!!!!
