Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Projects galore!

The month of November has been so fun to share with the girls! Our visit to Michaels left us with lots of construction paper, googly eyes, and glue so we have to find stuff to do.

 So as you will see, we have been going project-crazy around here!!
Kaitlyn is so proud of her creations - they are everywhere you look :)

eyeballing her sisters dinner..

Showing off her turkey! We traced her hands for the feathers and feet for the body - so cute!! (in her beaumont hospital gown- lol!!)

hard at work on another turkey project..

She is getting so good at tracing and writing her letters!!! She even wrote her own name last week - you can bet that piece of paper is going in the scrapbook!!!!!! :)
ps. she had that pink sticker in the middle of her forehead for like 3 days, no joke.

picking the pefect leaves to bring home, cut and trace, and hang from our kitchen lamps!!

The front closet

All kids must have this classic shot with a bowl of pasta!

While Kaitlyn was off of school for 3 weeks because of her cough, we did lots things around the house. Crafts, movies, walks, music, whatever we could think of!

The girls spent about 45 minutes in the front hall closet getting ready for our walk. I can only imagine how long it will take them to get ready when they're older - hahahaha!!!

 McKenna LOVES HER BOOTS!! I think we may have a shoe-girl..

Finally - ready to go!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ready or not..

I am writing this the night before we leave for Disney World. It has been a very long, frustrating, tough two weeks in this house. Kaitlyn has been non-stop coughing..literally for hours at a time for 14 days straight. We have visited the ER multiple times, urgent care, pediatrician's, and finally today, the pulmonologist. She has been out of school and been trying to rest to get well for our trip but nothing seems to be able to kick this cough.

Today, I was asked, "why hasn't anyone prescribed her antibiotics??? "

My thoughts exactly. I was told over and over and over that this was "croup" and that it would have to run its course. Uhhh croup doesn't last 2 weeks doc..

She had her first dose this evening and we are headed off to sunny Florida tomorrow morning with our big bottle of antibiotics in hand.

MICKEY..here we come! Just don't get too close :)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The butterfly and the ladybug

It's true when they say that it just keeps getting better as your kids get older. This Halloween was by far the funnest yet! The girls were so cute and Kaitlyn was a PRO at trick-or-treating. The weather even cooperated and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to catch the sunlight as we were getting ready!

forgive me but I had to throw this comparison in..Kaitlyn was just 8 weeks old in the picture below. awwwwww!!!!

roughhousing while getting ready..

McKenna kept her headband on ALL NIGHT!

it's go time!

...and another comparison;
apparently not much has changed since last year...

this was her second treat bucket! we stopped home and got an empty one when the first filled up!!

helping daddy hand out treats to our trick-or-treaters

best halloween ever!
