Sunday, July 26, 2009

Take me out to the ballgame!

Yesterday we ventured out to Comerica Park to watch the Tigers beat the White Sox in extra innings! Ok...well...we didn't really get to watch it but the rest of the sold out crowd at Comerica did! We saw about 2 innings before we had to go and walk around for the rest of the game. We met up with Marianna and rode the Tigers Merry-Go-Round, then we all walked over to Greektown for dinner.

It was a looooong day. It is very hard to take a 2-year-old to this kind of event but overall, it was a really fun time!

Playing at the baseball water fountain..

The Merry-Go-Round!

I never thought I'd see the day that we were putting sippies in the cup holders instead of beers!!!
The only shot I could get while in our Kaitlyn would say "ohhh well"....


Since Aunt Kath has been here, we have been doing A LOT of lunching! Here I am trying on Grandma Gurin's sunglasses while visiting the Red Coat last week..very glamourous :)

Blowing raspberries with my mouth while at lunch with Zeyde and Kath..
Checking out Kath's lunch....

Sunday, July 19, 2009


We went over to Grammama and Grampie's to meet the newest member of the family..Harvey!! Isn't he cute??!!! He is so gentle and calm, he got along great with all the kids (after we bombarded him on his first day home). Welcome Harvey - we love you!!!

Well at least Mommy and Aunt Kath were looking :)
Hanging on the patio..
I love Aunt Colleen!!!!!!

and cousin Ellie!

I love my princess coach!

I got this "little people" princess coach for my birthday (thanks grace, mary, and marianna ;) and I love it!!

Aunt Kath visits!

I am so lucky to have Aunt Katharine here for  a few weeks before she starts her new job! I have been spending lots of quality time with her..and working on getting some good pics too!!

Ooooh! Might be the best one yet!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Ian's pool party!

Each year, Ian is cool enough to invite us over to his awesome pool for a day of fun in the sun! Here are a couple of pics from July 2007 that I found (I was only a few weeks old!!) how time goes by fast!

And here I am today..all grown up :)

I tried to get a good shot of the flag in the background..this is the best I could get!
Having a dance party with Marianna!

Daddy doin what he does best...
I kept feeding Mary goldfish...she was in heaven :)

Getting in some lawn time...

Fourth of July Parade!

Once again this year we spent the Fourth of July at the Huntington Woods parade with the Lusardi's, Gurin's, and some other friends. For the first time, I really enjoyed the parade and loved watching everyone go by! There were many times that I wanted to actually join in too!!

I could spot the parade coming down the street!

Here's David and his Daddy!

We had a pretty good seat curbside....
I got into the bocci balls which was lots of fun!
Here we are getting our wagon all decked out! Happy 4th of July everyone!!
