Tuesday, August 26, 2014

To my girls - McKenna goes to Kindergarten

 And just like that, Kaitlyn started 2nd grade, and McKenna started Kindergarten today. The build up over the summer was long and much anticipated. There have been many many thoughts running through my head. From waking up to McKenna already dressed in her uniform, bed made, and teeth brushed to going downstairs to see the back-to-school fairy had left a letter and sucker.

 From the pictures on the front porch to the front of the school building. The tears started as soon as I walked her into school this morning. Down the hall. Past all the parents huddled around. Past the children's name tags on the table. To the classroom door where her teacher shuffled her in to her desk. After all the anticipation, it happened just. like. that.

What a most wonderful summer we had. I was working on a very limited basis at LTU. That schedule allowed me to spend so much quality time with the girls before they went back to school. We went on many day trips and vacations, including the 14 hour girls-only drive to New Hampshire! We went swimming, tubing, boating, biking, playing, pretending, zoo-visiting, greenfield villaging, cranbrook day camping, coloring, hiking, blueberry picking, john- deering, and much much more.

As the days drew closer to McKenna starting school, it became bittersweet. And it really began to sink in.

The sleepless nights and diaper changes are behind us now. We have moved into a new, more complicated stage. The elementary school years. How strange it is to be sitting on the other side of babyhood. I remember thinking it would never end. That we were sure to be stuck in the cycle of feeding, sleeping, pooping forever. I remember wondering if I would make it through?

As I watch these two beautiful girls change before my eyes, I can't help but wonder what the world has in store for them. I don't know for sure but I know we are all in for quite a ride :)

To my beautiful girls, may your eyes always shine as bright as they did today, the love for learning and the love for life shining right through for everyone to see. I can't wait to see what you do with the world at your fingertips. Wait. Yes. I can wait. You take your sweet time girls :)
