Friday, February 19, 2010

Winter Break begins!

Kaitlyn has been home with us during the day this week so we have been doing whatever we can to keep busy. It's official - I am "that mom" trying to cart 2 kids through Target/Kroger/Toys R Us....I have to admit, I am getting pretty good at it ;)

This is what our backyard looks like in the middle of February...

Here are some pics from before the break started.. Superbowl Sunday - spent with Marianna and Daniella!!

Marianna has a really cute scooter and after seeing her wiz around the house, we thought it would be a fun thing to have around here..we are still trying to figure it out ;)

Winter Break morning fun

We have pretty much spent time in every room in the house - including McKenna's!

Winter Break cont..

This was such a beautiful Friday morning that we had to get outside for some fresh air!

I think I will miss these days when a tree can bring on such enthusiasm!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Baby Collin!

Our little neighbor is getting so big! McKenna and Collin are going to be such cute friends :)

February fun..

Getting ready to celebrate Mommy's birthday with Grammama and Grampie!

Heading home..hmmm are those teeth I feel in there?

What it is about driving with kids at night that makes you feel like a kid again yourself?! Kaitlyn loves driving at night...and as you can see, she is still wearing her bathrobe everywhere!

I got a news headline in my email last Saturday that said it would be the "brightest moon of 2010".... So we made sure to check it out on the drive home!

It's hard to read because of the quality of the picture but this was a gift from grammama. It was her baby cup and it's engraved with her name and birth year. She had Kaitlyn and McKenna's name and birth years added underneath. So sentimental and it means the world to us - we love it!!!!

Love it! Comparison shot!!

OMG!!! This is Kaitlyn wearing the sparkly winter overalls....

and this is it!!


Trying to find things to do during these cold winter days! Hmmm..pouring water into measuring cups sure did the trick for a while! Watch this and tell me you don't get nervous she's gonna spill that water everywhere!!!!?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Happy 5 month birthday McKenna!

Here are some of the pictures I ended up with for her 5 month photo shoot (plus bib). Daddy made the post-it note..he's famous for writing and taking his notes on those!!

I can't help it..

Whenever these two are together, it totally melts my heart! McKenna loves her big sister more than anything I have ever seen!! Kaitlyn is slowly but surely warming up (and yes...I have been saying that since M was born :)

McKenna has been all smiles lately!!
