Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lazy days of summer

Seriously..you would think that we could spend more time outside but this summer has been HOT and HUMID! So we have spent lots of time indoors in the air conditioning coming up with various projects and things to do! 

Here we are about to get started on some serious painting! My plan was to take before and after pictures but the aftermath was too messy!

This is CLASSIC McKenna - always turned towards her sister..wondering what she is doing...

McKenna has officially started walking and is getting VERY hard to keep an eye on! The other day she must have been perched on the trampoline for 5-10 minutes before I realized she was there..It's only about 2 feet off the ground but I'm sure it would hurt going face first onto the wood floor. We have already had our share of bumps, bruises, choking scares, and laughs as this little one figures out the world :)

I will say it again, MY IDEA OF HEAVEN is these 2 entertaining themselves! Kaitlyn is really starting to enjoy McKenna's company now-a-days. She will take McKenna into a room and close the door telling me not to come in. The other day I heard her say "McKenna...I'm Dr. Kaitlyn".....hilarious!!!!

Once again....watching EVERYTHING her sister is doing!

Look who is walking...

at 10 months!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Grand Haven!

We had such a fun trip to Grand Haven last weekend to visit the Wheeler's. It has been a loooong time since we have spent quality time together and we had a blast going out on their new boat and playing with Reaghan and Grant!

Of course, the only pictures I got were on the boat..

I am such a tourist...taking picture after picture of the boat coming out of storage!

Here she is....The Winged Wheeler!!

Good times!! We will be making this an annual tradition for sure!!!

Laughing and more laughing!

These two had a BLAST in McDonalds on our way to Grand Haven last weekend!

McKenna's new trick is to climb up on Kaitlyn's chair. She is soooo proud of herself! Kaitlyn likes to get in the mix now too :)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Grace's 4th Birthday

The Riker girls and Kaitlyn!

Add Grace, Mary, and Marianna!

Will and McKenna having a fun time!!!! He gave her lots of kisses that she loved :)


Summer fun!
