Monday, May 12, 2008

First Mother's Day

  • Happy Mother's Day!
My whole family went out to eat a great brunch at Lily's Seafood..brunch was great cause I got more food than everyone including sesame chicken, pinapple, fruit loops, cheese, and whatever else I could get my hands on! The best part was when I snagged a huge piece of french toast off Daddy's plate before anyone could catch me..yummmm!

 Grammie and Aunt Katharine..
Reading one of many books during brunch
Everyone needs a bottle sometimes!!


  1. She looks so cute in her dress!

  2. Those are some really good pictures! You have a beautiful family - and I agree, EVERYONE needs a bottle sometimes! haha!

  3. Those are very cute pictures!!! Love the one of you guys with the bottle... Happy first mothers day to you!

