Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Jumping and Crawling!

Since Kaitlyn got her new trampoline, she and McKenna have spent so much time jumping together! Kaitlyn puts on the song and they go to town. It is the funniest thing!!!!

She is officially on the move as of yesterday! McKenna spends a lot of time being frustrated that she is not as grown up as the rest of us. I feel like she was born wanting to be a full-fledged kid - NOT a baby!!! Well, she is one step closer to her goal.

It is such a miracle to watch her growing right before our eyes :)


  1. I swear every kid I've ever watched has owned that exact trampoline! Good invention! That video is too funny.Hope everyone is feeling better!

  2. The trampoline is awesome! I love that they can jump together :)
    McKenna is going to be running across the floor very soon... she wants to MOVE!

