Monday, August 23, 2010

Summer's end

The other day I looked at this picture of our back patio...

and realized that summer will be over way too soon!
So we headed out again to burn off some energy 

Little Miss Personality

I swear this really happened. She dumped this bowl of food right over her head (why did I get suckered into the suction cup bowls again?). The funniest part was her reaction. She knew it was hilarious!!

Getting into everything. Literally!

She has this new face she makes when she is imitating us (I think we say "whoa" and open our mouths like this). She is now walking around with this look constantly. HILARIOUS!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The last few weeks of babyhood

I have been really emotional and nostalgic lately as we approach McKenna's first birthday. I relish our feeding time together since I know that her days of drinking out of a bottle are numbered. I could bawl thinking that these are the last times we will get to cuddle together while she eats in my arms...granted I will not miss buying bucket after bucket of formula :)

 So...a few last pictures of her with her bottle

and eating a banana all by herself!

Daddy and Kaitlyn building a block tower

and a comparison shot..(although McKenna was quite a bit older here) 

both girls don't seem to be thrilled with Elmo at all! 

Swimming class

I cannot even express how much Kaitlyn is in love with her swim class. I can't believe it has taken me this long to get her back into the pool (since she was 6 months old!). We are at the end of a 2 week "intense" course where she goes Monday - Thursday every day. She is already jumping in by herself and asking to swim by herself too! Here she is with the other kids in her class :) 

Monday, August 9, 2010

Chicago 2010!

We had a great time in Chicago for the Gurin family reunion. The girls were well-behaved during the car ride and had a blast. We did a lot of walking around the city, shopping, going to the chidrens museum, swimming, eating, and sight-seeing! We stayed 3 nights at the Embassy Suites and ended up staying an extra night at the Four Seasons! What a fun family vacation!!!! We will be going back to Chicago soon for sure!
