Thursday, August 12, 2010

The last few weeks of babyhood

I have been really emotional and nostalgic lately as we approach McKenna's first birthday. I relish our feeding time together since I know that her days of drinking out of a bottle are numbered. I could bawl thinking that these are the last times we will get to cuddle together while she eats in my arms...granted I will not miss buying bucket after bucket of formula :)

 So...a few last pictures of her with her bottle

and eating a banana all by herself!

Daddy and Kaitlyn building a block tower

and a comparison shot..(although McKenna was quite a bit older here) 

both girls don't seem to be thrilled with Elmo at all! 


  1. good god that is an adorable pic of kaitlyn!!!!
    i forgot she was once that little!

  2. Guess that means you're going to have to have another one to get that bottle bonding feeling again!

